Quit Smoking

Breathe easier and improve your heart health by quitting smoking.

Kick the habit and boost your heart health

Quitting smoking is hard, but essential for a healthy heart. Learn some tips to help you quit smoking today.

Considering that smoking increases your risk of cancer and heart disease, it’s always a good time to butt out. While harmful effects of smoking on overall health are well documented, remember to avoid second-hand smoke, too.

If you smoke, quitting can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease. Here are some tips for quitting smoking:

Make a plan:
Set a quit date with realistic reduction goals leading up to it.

Visit The Government of Canada’s: Tools for a smoke-free life or find resources and books on the subject at your local library, or health unit.

Support systems:
Seek support from friends, family and medical professionals.

Keep active:
Instead of smoking, find healthy ways to manage stress and other smoking triggers.

Helpful alternatives:
Try nicotine replacement therapy, or other medications.

Be kind to yourself:
Just remember that every step closer to quitting is a step towards better health.

To learn more about our programs and services, please email us at wellness@my-view.ca

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