Stress Management

Stress less, live better. Discover the benefits of stress management.

Don't let stress be a barrier to your heart's wellness.

Having too much stress for too long isn’t good for your heart. Let us help you manage it.

If you're often stressed, and you don't have good ways to manage it, you’re more likely to have heart disease, high blood pressure, chest pain, or irregular heartbeats.

You can greatly improve your heart health by reducing stress in your life. Try these tips to manage stress and anxiety:

Discover things that create joy

Allow space for things you love

Use positive self-talk, always. Along with managing stress, it can help improve self-esteem and wellbeing.

Connect often with family and friends

Embrace spontaneity and novelty. Try new things or do something familiar a little bit differently and find something new.

Enjoy nature

Prioritize time for resting or relaxing activities, and get plenty of sleep

Set limits on screen time or social media intake

Be mindful of negative influences and take care to limit them

Stay active. Nearly any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. Just remember to pick an activity you enjoy.

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